Chhattisgarh Minimum Wages Revised from 01 October 2024

Chhattisgarh Minimum Wages Revised from 01 October 2024

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The Minimum Wages in Chhattisgarh have been revised and will be effective from 01 October 2024 to 31 March 2025. The Labour Department of Chhattisgarh issued an official notification on 25 September 2024, announcing the revised rates. The updated minimum wages for 45 Scheduled Employments, Government Departments, and Agricultural Employment are detailed in the table below.

Minimum Wages in Chhattisgarh for 45 Scheduled Employments

Class of EmploymentZoneBasic Per MonthBasic Per DayVDA Per MonthVDA Per DayTotal Per MonthTotal Per Day
UnskilledZone A₹ 8,320.00₹ 320.00₹ 2,628.00₹ 101.08₹ 10,948.00₹ 421
UnskilledZone B₹ 8,060.00₹ 310.00₹ 2,628.00₹ 101.08₹ 10,688.00₹ 411
UnskilledZone C₹ 7,800.00₹ 300.00₹ 2,628.00₹ 101.08₹ 10,428.00₹ 401
Semi-SkilledZone A₹ 8,970.00₹ 345.00₹ 2,628.00₹ 101.08₹ 11,598.00₹ 446
Semi-SkilledZone B₹ 8,710.00₹ 335.00₹ 2,628.00₹ 101.08₹ 11,338.00₹ 436
Semi-SkilledZone C₹ 8,450.00₹ 325.00₹ 2,628.00₹ 101.08₹ 11,078.00₹ 426
SkilledZone A₹ 9,750.00₹ 375.00₹ 2,628.00₹ 101.08₹ 12,378.00₹ 476
SkilledZone B₹ 9,490.00₹ 365.00₹ 2,628.00₹ 101.08₹ 12,118.00₹ 466
SkilledZone C₹ 9,230.00₹ 355.00₹ 2,628.00₹ 101.08₹ 11,858.00₹ 456
Highly SkilledZone A₹ 10,530.00₹ 405.00₹ 2,628.00₹ 101.08₹ 13,158.00₹ 506
Highly SkilledZone B₹ 10,270.00₹ 395.00₹ 2,628.00₹ 101.08₹ 12,898.00₹ 496
Highly SkilledZone C₹ 10,010.00₹ 385.00₹ 2,628.00₹ 101.08₹ 12,638.00₹ 486

Salary Calculation

To calculate 1-day salary (Daily Rate), you have to divide the Total Per Month by 26.

  • 1 Day Salary (Daily Rate) = Total Per Month ÷ 26

To calculate 1-day VDA, you have to divide the VDA Per Month by 26.

  • 1 Day VDA = VDA Per Month ÷ 26

Minimum Wages in Chhattisgarh for Government Departments

Class of EmploymentZoneBasic Per MonthBasic Per DayVDA Per MonthVDA Per DayTotal Per MonthTotal Per Day
UnskilledZone A₹ 8320.00₹ 277.33₹ 2628.00₹ 87.60₹ 10948.00₹ 365
UnskilledZone B₹ 8060.00₹ 268.67₹ 2628.00₹ 87.60₹ 10688.00₹ 356
UnskilledZone C₹ 7800.00₹ 260.00₹ 2628.00₹ 87.60₹ 10428.00₹ 348
Semi-SkilledZone A₹ 8970.00₹ 299.00₹ 2628.00₹ 87.60₹ 11598.00₹ 387
Semi-SkilledZone B₹ 8710.00₹ 290.33₹ 2628.00₹ 87.60₹ 11338.00₹ 378
Semi-SkilledZone C₹ 8450.00₹ 281.67₹ 2628.00₹ 87.60₹ 11078.00₹ 369
SkilledZone A₹ 9750.00₹ 325.00₹ 2628.00₹ 87.60₹ 12378.00₹ 413
SkilledZone B₹ 9490.00₹ 316.33₹ 2628.00₹ 87.60₹ 12118.00₹ 404
SkilledZone C₹ 9230.00₹ 307.67₹ 2628.00₹ 87.60₹ 11858.00₹ 395
Highly SkilledZone A₹ 10530.00₹ 351.00₹ 2628.00₹ 87.60₹ 13158.00₹ 439
Highly SkilledZone B₹ 10270.00₹ 342.33₹ 2628.00₹ 87.60₹ 12898.00₹ 430
Highly SkilledZone C₹ 10010.00₹ 333.67₹ 2628.00₹ 87.60₹ 12638.00₹ 421

Salary Calculation

To calculate 1-day salary (Daily Rate), you have to divide the Total Per Month by 30.

  • 1 Day Salary (Daily Rate) = Total Per Month ÷ 30

To calculate 1-day VDA, you have to divide the VDA Per Month by 30.

  • 1 Day VDA = VDA Per Month ÷ 30

Minimum Wages in Chhattisgarh for Agricultural Employment

Class of EmploymentBasic WagesVDATotal Wages
Basic Per MonthBasic Per DayVDA Per MonthVDA Per DayTotal Per MonthTotal Per Day
Unskilled Agricultural Workers₹ 6900.00₹ 230.00₹ 2065.00₹ 68.83₹ 8965.00₹ 299.00

Salary Calculation

To calculate 1-day salary (Daily Rate), you have to divide the Total Per Month by 30.

  • 1 Day Salary (Daily Rate) = Total Per Month ÷ 30

To calculate 1-day VDA, you have to divide the VDA Per Month by 30.

  • 1 Day VDA = VDA Per Month ÷ 30

List of 45 Scheduled Employments

1Employment in Power Plant24Employment in Sales promotion workers
2Employment in Steel Plant25Employment in Printing press
3Employment in Sponge Iron26Employment in Petrol pump/diesel pump/gas distribution centre and warehouse
4Employment in Rolling Mill27Employment in Solvent plant and refinery
5Employment in Casting Industry28Employment in Oil mills
6Employment in Cement Factory29Employment in Chemicals and pharmaceuticals
7Employment in Security Guard30Employment in Porter, weighbridge operator, coolie, loader, and market labourer
8Employment in Building and Other Construction Work31Employment in Rice mill, flour mill, or pulse mill
9Employment in Stone Crushing32Employment in Puffed rice and puffed paddy manufacturing unit
10Employment in Stone Crushing and Breaking Workers33Employment in Food processing (including cakes, biscuits, confectionery, ice cream, ice candy) and beverage manufacturing
11Employment in Brick Kiln34Employment in Gur industry / Sugar mill
12Employment in Lime Kiln35Employment in Saw mill / Wood work
13Employment in the manufacturing of tiles, including Mangalore tiles, Allahabad tiles, and other locally known tiles, but not including cement tiles36Employment in Plastics industry
14Employment in the manufacturing of pottery, including refractories, firebricks, sanitary ware, insulators, tiles (excluding cement tiles), stoneware pipes, furnaces, lining, bricks, and other ceramic items37Employment in Fuel coke
15Employment in the production of cement poles or other cement products38Power loom (including sizing and processing)
16Employment in the construction and maintenance of roads or in building and construction works39Employment in Kosa industry
17Employment in engineering industries40Employment in Handloom industry
18Employment in the construction and maintenance of irrigation works41Employment in Blanket manufacturing work
19Employment in forestry and plantation, and nurseries42Employment in Bone mill
20Employment in a local authority43Employment in Public motor transport
21Employment in a shop, commercial establishment, residential hotel, restaurant, or theatre44Employment in Poultry farm
22Employment in Educational institutions and private training centres45Any manufacturing process covered under the definition of a ‘factory’ under Section 2(k) of the Factories Act, 1948, which is not included in any other entry given in the Schedule
23Employment in Hospitals, nursing homes, pathology labs  


Unskilled Worker: An unskilled worker performs simple tasks that do not require independent judgment or prior experience. However, familiarity with business conditions is essential. Apart from physical labour, they are expected to be familiar with various goods and services.

Semi-Skilled Worker: A semi-skilled worker generally performs routine, standardized tasks that do not require a high degree of judgment, intelligence, skill or dexterity. They are expected to efficiently complete small tasks assigned to them, while important decisions are made by others. Their work is generally limited to performing the same task over and over again.

Skilled Worker: A skilled worker can perform work efficiently, make independent decisions with a considerable degree of freedom, use his intelligence, and carry out his duties responsibly. They are expected to have a complete and comprehensive understanding of the business, craft or industry in which they are employed.

Highly Skilled Worker: A highly skilled worker is fully skilled in performing technical and specialized tasks. They can make responsible decisions with a considerable degree of independence, use their intelligence and carry out their duties responsibly. They usually have a technical degree or diploma and are expected to have a complete and specific understanding of the business, technical skills or industry in which they are employed.

Official Notification

Chhattisgarh Minimum Wages Notification October 2024 (PDF)

Official Website

For more details, you may visit the Official Website of the Labour Department of Chhattisgarh.

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