Himachal Pradesh Minimum Wages Revised from 01 April 2024

Himachal Pradesh Minimum Wages Revised from 01 April 2024

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The Minimum Wages in Himachal Pradesh for Shops and Commercial Establishments have been revised, with effect from 01 April 2024. An official notification announcing these changes was issued on 23 September 2024.

Category of EmployeesWhere no benefit is providedWhere food, tea & combined accommodation provided

Helper / Shop Assistant / Pelledar/ Chowkidar/ Peon / Sweeper / Masalchi / Gateman / Waterman / Cleaner / Packer / Mazdoor / Lander / Unlander / Messanger / Clock Room Attendant / Porter / Bhishit / Beldar / Fireman / Pandi / Posterman / any other worker doing unskilled job.
₹ 400₹ 12,000₹ 371₹ 11,130

Head Porter, Pantryman / Coffee-Tea maker / Chapatiman / Assistant Baker / Gate Keeper (Cinema) / Asstt. Lineman / Assistant Operator / Binder Assistant / Bill Collector / Convesser / Cook / Assistant Halwai / Book Binder / Sticher/ Rulling-cutting / Auctioners / Mali / Sewerman / Hotel Guide / Assistant Mistry / Assistant Fitter / Assistant Turner / Assistant Welder / Assistant Electrician / Assistant Salesman / Assistant Barbar / Dhobi / Pressman / Boilerman / Film Rewinder / Waiter / Bearer / Assistant Radio Mechanic / Painter / White Washer / Pakora and Chana Maker / Clerk (Non-matric / Assistant Store Keeper / Distributor and Assistant Machine Man / Enquiry Attendant / Telephone Attendant / ITI Certificate Holder.
₹ 423₹ 12,690₹ 413₹ 12,390

Blacksmith / Tinsmith / Watchmaker / Radio Mechanic / Carpenter / Plumber / Driver / Assistant Tailor / Cutter (Tailoring) / General mechanic / Halwai / Cook / Confectioner / Baker / Steward / Butler / Fitter / Draughtsman / Telephone Operator / Compounder / Goldsmith / Shoe Maker / Shawl-Carpet Weaving / Compositor / Cinema Operator / Salesmen / Drycleaner / Dyer / Barber / Regular Machine Man / Machinist / Welder / Moulder / Cashier / Clerk / (Matric) / Munim / Receptionist / Waiter / Bearer / Storekeeper / Headwaiter / Head Bearer (Western Style Hotels) / Lineman. ITI certificate holders who are working in the same trade.
₹ 464₹ 13,920₹ 427₹ 12,810
Highly Skilled

Store Keeper / Clerks (Graduates) Accountant / Head Cashier / Head Cook / Head Butler / Head Baker / Head Confectioner / Head mechanic / Electrician / Foreman / Supervisor / Tailor / Cutter (Tailoring).
₹ 483₹ 14,490₹ 447₹ 13,410

For details on the revised minimum wages for other types of employment in Himachal Pradesh, effective from 01 April 2024, please refer to the official notification.

Note :

  1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and adult or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.
  1. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprentices Act, 1961 (No. 52 of 1961).
  1. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not be less than the time rate prescribed for that category.
  1. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not mentioned specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than the minimum rates of wages fixed for the similar category having the same skill.
  1. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum of wages in Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semi-skilled/skilled/highly skilled worker will be as under:

(i) Unskilled- An unskilled worker is one who does operations that involve the performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no independent judgement or previous experience although familiarity with the occupational environment is necessary. His work may thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.

(ii) Semi-Skilled- A semi-skilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgement and skill but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

(iii) Skilled- A skilled worker is one who is capable of working efficiently of exercising considerable independent judgement and of discharging his duties with responsibility. He must possess a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is employed.

(iv) Highly Skilled- A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled workers.

Salary / Rate Calculation

For the calculation of Monthly Salary, you have to multiply the Daily Wage by 30.

  • Monthly Salary = Daily Wage X 30

Official Notification

Himachal Pradesh Minimum Wages Notification April 2024 (PDF)

Official Website

You may visit the Official Website for more details.

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