Minimum Wages in Jammu And Kashmir October 2022

Minimum Wages in Jammu And Kashmir October 2022

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Minimum Wages in Jammu And Kashmir have been increased with effect from 17 October 2022 by the Government. An employee working in any Private Organisation in Jammu And Kashmir should know about the increased rates of Minimum Wages.

Let us know, what will be the Minimum Wages of employees working in different categories in Jammu And Kashmir.

Latest Minimum Wages in Jammu And Kashmir From 17 October 2022

Ms. Sarita Chauhan, IAS, Commissioner / Secretary to Government of Jammu And Kashmir has issued the Notification dated 12 October 2022 vide Notification No. LE-Genl/56/2022-11-L&E of increased Minimum Wages in Jammu And Kashmir.

According to this, the Minimum Daily Wages have been increased for Unskilled, Semi-Skilled, Skilled, Highly Skilled, and Administrative/Ministerial categories of employees in all Scheduled Employments in Jammu And Kashmir.

The Latest Minimum Wages in Jammu and Kashmir with effect from 17 October 2022 will be as follows.

Category of EmploymentMinimum Daily WagesTotal Per Month Minimum Wages
Highly Skilled₹552.00₹14352.00

Definition of Categories

  • “Unskilled Work” means work which involves simple operations requiring little or no skill or experience on the job.
  • “Semi-Skilled Work” means work which involves skill or competence, acquired through experience on the job.
  • “Skilled Work” means work which involves skill or competence acquired through experience on the job (for more time as compared to Semi-Skilled in similar nature of work) or through training as an apprentice in a Technical or Vocational Institute and the performance of which calls for initiative and judgment.
  • “Highly Skilled Work” means work which calls for degree of perfection and full competence in the performance of certain tasks including clerical work acquired through intensive technical or professional training or practical work experience for certain reasonable period and requires of worker to assume full responsibility for the judgment or decision involved in the execution of the tasks.

Scheduled Employments

  1. Employment in any Woolen Carpet making or Shawl Weaving establishment.
  2. Employment in any rice Mill, Floor Mill or Dal Mill.
  3. Employment in any Tabacoo (including bidi making) manufacturing.
  4. Employment in any plantation, that is to say, any estate which is maintained for the purpose of growing cinchona, rubber, tea or coffee.
  5. Employment in any Oil Mills (Including Kohloos)
  6. Employment under any local authority.
  7. Employment on the construction or maintenance of roads or in building operations.
  8. Employment in Stone breaking or Stone crushing.
  9. Employment in any lac manufacturing.
  10. Employment in any mica works.
  11. Employment in Public Motor Transport.
  12. Employment in Tanneries and Leather Manufacturing.
  13. Employment in Embroidery including Chain-stitch, Gubba Embroidery, and Namdah making.
  14. Employment in Wood Caving.
  15. Employment in Workshop.
  16. Employment in Private Brick and Tile Making.
  17. Employment in Shops and Establishments.
  18. Employment in Private Transport Industry.
  19. Employment in Forest Industry.
  20. Employment in Light Engineering Works.
  21. Employment in Steel and Metal Rolling Mills.
  22. Employment in Silicate and Chemical Works.
  23. Employment in Auto Body Fabrication.
  24. Employment in the manufacture of Wood products including paper and paper products.
  25. Employment in the manufacture of Food Products.
  26. Employment in manufacturing of Metal and Steel Utensils.
  27. Employment in Rosin and Turpentine Products.
  28. Employment in the manufacturer of Soap and Detergent.
  29. Employment in the manufacture of Sports Goods.
  30. Employment in Saw Mills and Joinery Products.
  31. Employment in Electrical and Electric Goods.
  32. Employment in Arms and Ammunition including private security agencies.
  33. Employment in Tailoring and Garment work.
  34. Employment in the manufacture of Drinks and Beverages.
  35. Employment in Ice Factories and Cold Storage.
  36. Employment in Hair Cutting Saloons.
  37. Employment in the manufacture of Medicines and Hospital Equipment as well as Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes.
  38. Employment in Walnut Processing Units.
  39. Employment in Private Education Institutions.
  40. Employment in Private Coaching Centers.
  41. Employment in Sweeping and Cleaning.
  42. Employment in Brick Kiln Industry
  43. Employment in Cement Industry.
  44. Employment in Plastic Industry.
  45. Employment in Hotel/Restaurant/Tea Stall and Cinema.

Salary Calculation

For the calculation of the Total Per Month Minimum Wages, you have to multiply the Minimum Daily Wages by 26.

  • Total Per Month Minimum Wages = Minimum Daily Wages x 26

Official Notification

Jammu And Kashmir Minimum Wages October 2022 Notification.PDF

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