Minimum Basic Wages Revised in Goa From 11 August 2023, Notification and Detail

Minimum Basic Wages Revised in Goa From 11 August 2023, Notification and Detail

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The Government of Goa has revised the Basic Wages of Shops and Commercial Establishments as well as Other Establishments/Industries with effect from 11 August 2023. An Official Gazette Notification has been released dated 11 August 2023 by Mr Vivek Naik, Under Secretary (Labour) regarding this.

Revised Basic Wages for Shops and Establishments in Goa From 11 August 2023

The Basic Wages for Shops and Commerical Establishments has been revised and will be payable from 11 August 2023. This revised minimum rates of basic wages payable to various categories of employees employed in various trades in the Scheduled employment of Shops and Commercial Establishments.

The revised per day Basic Wages or Basic Salary in Goa are as follows:

CategoryMinimum Rates of Basic Wages Per Day
Zone AZone B
SkilledRs. 528Rs. 523
Semi-SkilledRs. 473Rs. 468
ClericalRs. 528Rs. 523
UnskilledRs. 412Rs. 407

Explanation :

1. (a) Zone ‘A’ shall comprise the areas within the limits of the Corporation of the City of Panaji and Municipal limits of Margao, Vasco, Mapusa, Ponda, Bicholim, Cuncolim, Quepem, Curchorem, Sanguem, Canacona, Pernem, Valpoi, Sanquelim and the establishments located in the Industrial Estates set up by the Industrial Development Corporation or Economic Development Corporation, Panaji, or any other statutory organization/corporation.

(b) Zone ‘B’ shall comprise all other places in the State of Goa not covered under Zone ‘A’.

2. (a) Unskilled work is one, which involves simple operations requiring no skill or experience on the job.

(b) Semi-Skilled work is one which involves skill or competence acquired through experience on the job and which is capable of being performed under the supervision or guidance of skilled employee and includes unskilled supervisory.

(c) Skilled work is one, which involves skill or competence acquired through experience on the job or through training as an apprentice in a technical or vocational institution and the performance of which calls for initiative and judgment.

3. The minimum rates of wages shall be applicable to employees engaged by the principal employer or contractor or sub-contractor, etc.

4. Male, female and transgender workers shall be paid the same rates of wages revised for the category and for similar work.

5. In case of employees employed on piece rate basis, the minimum rates of wages payable to them shall be at a rate not less than the minimum rates of wages revised for the class/category to which they belong under this Notification.

6. The minimum rates of wages payable to adolescent shall be the same as payable to an adult, revised under this Notification.

7. The monthly rate of minimum wages payable to an employee employed in any category, in respect of which, daily rate of minimum wages is revised, shall be computed by multiplying the daily rate by 26.

8. The minimum rates of wages include the wages for weekly day of rest.

Minimum Wages Act, 1948 Rules

Scheduled Employment under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948

Monthly Minimum Wages Including VDA for Shops and Establishments in Goa From 11 August 2023

The Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) for Shops and Establishments in Goa had already been revised effective from 01 April 2023 which was Rs. 105/- per day.

Hence the Latest Minimum Wages with VDA for Shops and Establishments in Goa with effect from 11 August 2023 will be as follows.

All Values are in Rupees
Class of EmploymentZoneCategoryBasic Per DayVDA Per DayTotal Per DayTotal Per Month
UnskilledZone AChowkidar41210551713442
UnskilledZone BChowkidar40710551213312
UnskilledZone ACleaner41210551713442
UnskilledZone BCleaner40710551213312
UnskilledZone ALabourer41210551713442
UnskilledZone BLabourer40710551213312
UnskilledZone ALoader / Unloader41210551713442
UnskilledZone BLoader / Unloader40710551213312
UnskilledZone AAttendant41210551713442
UnskilledZone BAttendant40710551213312
UnskilledZone AMazdoor41210551713442
UnskilledZone BMazdoor40710551213312
UnskilledZone ASweeper41210551713442
UnskilledZone BSweeper40710551213312
UnskilledZone AHelper41210551713442
UnskilledZone BHelper40710551213312
UnskilledZone APeon41210551713442
UnskilledZone BPeon40710551213312
UnskilledZone ADelivery boy / Messenger41210551713442
UnskilledZone BDelivery boy / Messenger40710551213312
UnskilledZone APacker41210551713442
UnskilledZone BPacker40710551213312
UnskilledZone AAssistant Salesman41210551713442
UnskilledZone BAssistant Salesman40710551213312
UnskilledZone AWatchman41210551713442
UnskilledZone BWatchman40710551213312
UnskilledZone AOffice boy41210551713442
UnskilledZone BOffice boy40710551213312
UnskilledZone APump Attendant41210551713442
UnskilledZone BPump Attendant40710551213312
UnskilledZone ANewspaper delivery boy41210551713442
UnskilledZone BNewspaper delivery boy40710551213312
UnskilledZone AAny other category, doing work of similar nature41210551713442
UnskilledZone BAny other category, doing work of similar nature40710551213312
ClericalZone AAccountant52810563316458
ClericalZone BAccountant52310562816328
ClericalZone ASteno-Typist52810563316458
ClericalZone BSteno-Typist52310562816328
ClericalZone ATelephone Operator52810563316458
ClericalZone BTelephone Operator52310562816328
ClericalZone AClerk52810563316458
ClericalZone BClerk52310562816328
ClericalZone AStore Clerk52810563316458
ClericalZone BStore Clerk52310562816328
ClericalZone ATally Clerk52810563316458
ClericalZone BTally Clerk52310562816328
ClericalZone ATypist52810563316458
ClericalZone BTypist52310562816328
ClericalZone AReceptionist52810563316458
ClericalZone BReceptionist52310562816328
ClericalZone AGodown Keeper52810563316458
ClericalZone BGodown Keeper52310562816328
Semi-skilledZone ASalesman (Counter)47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BSalesman (Counter)46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Mechanic47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Mechanic46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Fitter47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Fitter46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Electrician47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Electrician46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Blacksmith47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Blacksmith46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Carpenter47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Carpenter46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Turner47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Turner46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Welder47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Welder46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Machinist47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Machinist46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Tinsmith47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Tinsmith46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Vulacaniser47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Vulacaniser46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Sprayman47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Sprayman46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Moulder47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Moulder46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Painter47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Painter46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Trailer47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Trailer46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Glass Cutter47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Glass Cutter46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Wireman47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Wireman46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AAssistant Pump operator (Petrol Pumps)47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BAssistant Pump operator (Petrol Pumps)46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone ACushion maker47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BCushion maker46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone ACompounder47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BCompounder46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone ADhobi / Washerman47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BDhobi / Washerman46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AIroner / Laundryman47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BIroner / Laundryman46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone APolisher (Carpenter)47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BPolisher (Carpenter)46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone ABaker47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BBaker46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone APressman47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BPressman46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AGlazer47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BGlazer46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AHelper (Hair Dresser)47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BHelper (Hair Dresser)46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AMali Gardener47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BMali Gardener46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone ALift Attendant47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BLift Attendant46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AMill hand47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BMill hand46810557314898
Semi-skilledZone AFrame Maker47310557815028
Semi-skilledZone BFrame Maker46810557314898
SkilledZone APharmacist/Chemist52810563316458
SkilledZone BPharmacist/Chemist52310562816328
SkilledZone ADriver52810563316458
SkilledZone BDriver52310562816328
SkilledZone ASupervisor52810563316458
SkilledZone BSupervisor52310562816328
SkilledZone AShoemaker / Slippermaker52810563316458
SkilledZone BShoemaker / Slippermaker52310562816328
SkilledZone AWatch Repairer52810563316458
SkilledZone BWatch Repairer52310562816328
SkilledZone ACutter / Tailor / Sewing52810563316458
SkilledZone BCutter / Tailor / Sewing52310562816328
SkilledZone ATurner52810563316458
SkilledZone BTurner52310562816328
SkilledZone AFitter52810563316458
SkilledZone BFitter52310562816328
SkilledZone AUtensil maker (Brass and Copper)52810563316458
SkilledZone BUtensil maker (Brass and Copper)52310562816328
SkilledZone AMachinist52810563316458
SkilledZone BMachinist52310562816328
SkilledZone AElectrician52810563316458
SkilledZone BElectrician52310562816328
SkilledZone AWelder52810563316458
SkilledZone BWelder52310562816328
SkilledZone AHandicraftsman52810563316458
SkilledZone BHandicraftsman52310562816328
SkilledZone AMetal engraver52810563316458
SkilledZone BMetal engraver52310562816328
SkilledZone AOptician52810563316458
SkilledZone BOptician52310562816328
SkilledZone AGlass Polisher (Optician)52810563316458
SkilledZone BGlass Polisher (Optician)52310562816328
SkilledZone ASales Representative / Travelling Salesman52810563316458
SkilledZone BSales Representative / Travelling Salesman52310562816328
SkilledZone AWireman52810563316458
SkilledZone BWireman52310562816328
SkilledZone AForeman52810563316458
SkilledZone BForeman52310562816328
SkilledZone APhotographer / Retoucher52810563316458
SkilledZone BPhotographer/Retoucher52310562816328
SkilledZone ABlock Maker52810563316458
SkilledZone BBlock Maker52310562816328
SkilledZone AHair Dresser52810563316458
SkilledZone BHair Dresser52310562816328
SkilledZone AMill Operator52810563316458
SkilledZone BMill Operator52310562816328
SkilledZone ACarpenter52810563316458
SkilledZone BCarpenter52310562816328
SkilledZone ATinsmith52810563316458
SkilledZone BTinsmith52310562816328
SkilledZone AVulcaniser52810563316458
SkilledZone BVulcaniser52310562816328
SkilledZone AMechanic52810563316458
SkilledZone BMechanic52310562816328
SkilledZone ABlacksmith52810563316458
SkilledZone BBlacksmith52310562816328
SkilledZone AMoulder52810563316458
SkilledZone BMoulder52310562816328
SkilledZone APainter52810563316458
SkilledZone BPainter52310562816328
SkilledZone AWeighman52810563316458
SkilledZone BWeighman52310562816328
SkilledZone AMetal Sprayman52810563316458
SkilledZone BMetal Sprayman52310562816328
SkilledZone AGlass Cutter52810563316458
SkilledZone BGlass Cutter52310562816328
SkilledZone APastryman52810563316458
SkilledZone BPastryman52310562816328
SkilledZone ACompounder (with Diploma)52810563316458
SkilledZone BCompounder (with Diploma)52310562816328
SkilledZone AComputer Operator52810563316458
SkilledZone BComputer Operator52310562816328
SkilledZone APump Operator (Petrol Pumps)52810563316458
SkilledZone BPump Operator (Petrol Pumps)52310562816328
SkilledZone AAny other category, doing work of similar nature52810563316458
SkilledZone BAny other category, doing work of similar nature52310562816328

Salary/Rates Calculation

For the calculation of Monthly Salary, you have to multiply the Total Per Day by 26.

  • Monthly Salary = Total Per Day X 26

Official Notification

  1. Goa Basic Wages Revision Notification August 2023 (PDF)
  2. Goa Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) Notification April 2023 (PDF)

Check the Notification to know the Revised Basic Wages of Other Establishments / Industries.

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