Minimum Wages Revised in Arunachal Pradesh From 01 April 2016

Minimum Wages in Arunachal Pradesh Revised From 01 April 2016

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The Government of Arunachal Pradesh revised the minimum rates of wages per day and per month as specified in the table below for 30 Scheduled Employments effective from 01 April 2016. These revised rates remain valid in 2024 until the next update. Refer to the table below for comprehensive details.

Categories of WorkerArea-IArea-II
Daily RateMonthly RateDaily RateMonthly Rate
UnskilledRs. 200Rs. 6000Rs. 220Rs. 6600
Semi-SkilledRs. 210Rs. 6300Rs. 230Rs. 6900
SkilledRs. 220Rs. 6600Rs. 240Rs. 7200


Unskilled : Unskilled work means work which involves simple operation requiring little or no skill or experience on the job.

Semi-Skilled : Semi-Skilled work means work which involves some degree or skill or competence acquired through experience on the job and which is capable of being performed under the supervision or guidance of skilled employee and includes unskilled supervisory work.

Skilled : Skilled work means work which involves skill or competence acquired through experience on the job or through training as an apprentice or in technical or vocational institute and performance of which call for initiative and judgment.

Area – I : Shall comprise of places in Arunachal Pradesh where Special Compensatory Allowance (SCA) at lower rate is payable. It also includes places outside of Arunachal Pradesh where employees / workers are employed by or under the authority of Government of Arunachal Pradesh.

Area – II : Shall comprise of all other places in Arunachal Pradesh where SCA at higher rates is admissible.

Scheduled Employments

  1. Employment in woolen carpet making or shawl weaving establishment.
  2. Employment in any rice mill, flour mill, or dal mill.
  3. Employment in any tobacco (including Bidi making industries) manufactory.
  4. Employment in any plantation, that is to say, any estate which is maintained for the purpose of growing cinchona, rubber, tea, coffee etc.
  5. Employment in any oil mill.
  6. Employment under any local authority.
  7. Employment under any construction or maintenance of roads / building operation.
  8. Employment in any stone breaking or stone crushing.
  9. Employment in public motor transport.
  10. Employment in any bank in respect of which Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh is the appropriate govt. to fix or revise minimum wages.
  11. Employment in any shop or commercial establishment.
  12. Employment in any industry in which any process of printing by either lithography, photography or other similar work or book binding is carried on.
  13. Employment in any printing press.
  14. Employment in cement industry.
  15. Employment in any residential, hotel, restaurant or eating house.
  16. Employment in motor mechanical garage including tyre – retreating of repairing industry.
  17. Employment in loading and unloading except under Department of Co-operation.
  18. Employment in load carrying that is any porter porting goods from one area to another area.
  19. Employment in any cinema and video hall.
  20. Employment in saw, veneer and ply wood mills / industry.
  21. Employment under any govt. authority, that is to say, any casual contingency employee engaged by govt. / semi govt. office for the purpose of its business.
  22. Employment in SK / Petrol / Diesel Oil delivery depot.
  23. Employment under any private cooperative society, welfare or voluntary organization.
  24. Employment in agriculture.
  25. Employment in forest operations.
  26. Employment in any educational / coaching institutions.
  27. Employment in hospitals, nursing homes, dispensaries, pharmacies, consultation clinics, etc.
  28. Employment in distilleries, brewing unit.
  29. Employment in any establishment as security guard and watch and ward.
  30. Employment in any establishment as safai karamcharies.

Salary / Rates Calculation

For the calculation of the Monthly Rate, you have to multiply the Daily Rate by 30.

  • Monthly Rate = Daily Rate x 30

Official Notification

Arunachal Pradesh Minimum Wages Notification April 2016 [PDF]

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