Daman And Diu Minimum Wages Revised from 01 April 2024

Daman And Diu Minimum Wages Revised from 01 April 2024

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The Minimum Wages in Daman and Diu have been revised, effective from 1st April 2024, for all 46 Scheduled Employments. An official notification regarding this revision was released on 28th October 2024.

Class of EmployeesBasic Per DaySpecial Allowance Per DayTotal Per DayTotal Per Month
Unskilled₹ 441.00₹ 35.00₹ 476.00₹ 12,376.00
Semi-Skilled₹ 452.00₹ 35.00₹ 487.00₹ 12,662.00
Skilled₹ 462.00₹ 35.00₹ 497.00₹ 12,922.00

Instruction :

  1. If employees have already been paid higher wages, these wages should be maintained.
  1. From 1st April 2024, employers in industrial establishments must ensure that any owed arrears are paid to their workers.
  1. Both male and female workers must receive equal pay for the same job.
  1. Employees hired through contractors or other agencies for scheduled jobs must at least be paid the wage rate, along with the special allowance, designated for their job category.
  1. Any facilities or benefits provided to an employee should remain consistent. No deductions should be made from their pay due to these benefits, especially after setting the minimum wage rate and special allowances.
  1. For those paid per piece or task, the set wage rate should guarantee that their total earnings, inclusive of any special allowance, for a standard working day matches or exceeds the daily wage rate of their job category.

List of 46 Scheduled Employments

Sl. No.Name of Employment / Industry
1Employment in Automobiles Repairing, Workshops and Garages
2Employment in Bakeries
3Employment in Bobbin Industry
4Employment in Bone Crushing Industry
5Employment in Cement Prestressed Products Industry
6Employment in the Maintenance of Buildings and Employment of Construction or Maintenance or Road of in Building Operations
7Employment in any Cotton Ginning or Cotton Pressing Manufactory
8Employment in any dispensary of a medical practitioner or in any establishment of medical consultant or in any clinical or pathological laboratory other than those clinical or pathological laboratories included in the employment in the Hospitals and Nursing Home
9Employment in Drilling Operation and Maintenance of Tube Wells
10Employment in Electronics and Allied or Incidental Industries
11Employment in Film Industry including employment in Production, Distribution and Exhibition of Films
12Employment in Fisheries Industries
13Employment in Forestry and Timer Operations other than those carried on by a Farmer or on a Farm as incidental to or in conjunction with Farm Operations
14Employment in Hosiery Industry
15Employment in Hospitals and Nursing Home
16Employment in Industrial Engineering Establishments (other than automobiles repairing Workshops and Garages) Employing less than 50 workers
17Employment in Industrial Engineering Establishments (other than automobiles repairing workshops and garages) employing 50 or more workers engaged in the manufacture of shinning, reconditioning, assemblies or repair or goods or articles or iron, steel and non-ferrous metals or alloys by the use of any machine, or tools, including foundries, forging plants and extrusion plants which will produce for manufacturing, assembling and repairing establishments and workshops
18Employment in Khandsary Industry
19Employment under any Local Authority in any Municipal Corporation / Councils
20Employment under any Local Authority in District Panchayat
21Employment under any local Authority in Gram Panchayat
22Employment in any manufacturing process wherein “Manufacturing Process” as defined under Section 2 (K) of the Factories Act 1948 is carried out and which is not covered under any entry in part-I and II of the Schedule
23Employment in any Oil Mill
24Employment in Petrol and Diesel Pumps
25Employment in any Pharmaceuticals Industry
26Employment in Plastics Industries
27Employment in Potteries Industry
28Employment in any Power loom Industry in which any of the processes of winding, wrapping, beaming, sizing, drawing, reaching, weaving, dyeing, bleaching, calendaring folding, finishing or similar processes are carried on
29Employment in Pre-weaving and Textile Processing Industry in which any the processes of winding, wrapping, beaming, sizing, drawing, reaching, weaving, dyeing, bleaching, calendaring folding, finishing, merricising, printing or glazing of yarn, cloth or articles made of cloth or any process incidental or supplemental thereto
30Employment in any industry in which any process of printing by Letter press Lithography, photo graver or other similar work or work incidental to such process or Book Binding is carried on
31Employment in Public Motor Transport
32Employment in any Pulp & Paper or board Manufactory
33Employment in any Residential Hotel, Restaurant or Eating Houses
34Employment in any Rice Mill, Flour Mill or Dal Mill
35Employment in Roofing Tiles Manufacturing
36Employment in Rubber and Rubber Products including Artificial Rubber Products Manufacturing Industry
37Employment in Soap Making Industry
38Employment in Stone Breaking or Stone Crushing Industry
39Employment in Sugar Industry
40Employment in Tanneries and Leather Manufactory
41Employment in any Tobacco Processing Establishment
42Employment in any Woolen Carpet Making or Shawl Weaving Establishment
43Employment in any shop or Commercial Establishment other than that covered under any of the other entries in the schedule of Part I of the said Act
44Employment in Non-teaching Staff in Private Non-Grant-in-Aid Educational Institution
45Employment in Zardosi Work
46Employment in Private Security Guard Services

Salary Calculation

For the calculation of the Total Per Month, you have to multiply the Total Per Day by 26.

  • Total Per Month = Total Per Day x 26

Official Notification

Daman And Diu Minimum Wages Notification April 2024 (PDF)

Official Website

You can visit the Official Website for more details.

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