Minimum Wages in Chhattisgarh Revised For April 2024 to September 2024

Minimum Wages in Chhattisgarh Revised For April 2024 to September 2024

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The Labour Department of Chhattisgarh has revised the minimum wages in the state effective from 01 April 2024 to 30 September 2024. The notification provides complete details about the revised minimum wages for 45 scheduled employments, government departments and agricultural employment in Chhattisgarh as per the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.

Minimum Wages in Chhattisgarh for 45 Scheduled Employments

The Labour Department of Chhattisgarh has issued a notification dated 24 May 2024 revising the minimum wages for 45 scheduled employments in the state effective 01 April 2024.

As per the notification, the Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) component of the minimum wage has been increased by ₹ 10.76 per day from the previous ₹ 88.46 to the revised rate of ₹ 99.23 per day.

This increased VDA will be applicable to all workers employed in the 45 scheduled employments under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 in Chhattisgarh.

Class of EmploymentZoneBasic Per MonthBasic Per DayVDA Per MonthVDA Per DayTotal Per MonthTotal Per Day
UnskilledZone A₹ 8,320.00₹ 320.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 99.23₹ 10,900.00₹ 419.23
UnskilledZone B₹ 8,060.00₹ 310.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 99.23₹ 10,640.00₹ 409.23
UnskilledZone C₹ 7,800.00₹ 300.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 99.23₹ 10,380.00₹ 399.23
Semi-SkilledZone A₹ 8,970.00₹ 345.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 99.23₹ 11,550.00₹ 444.23
Semi-SkilledZone B₹ 8,710.00₹ 335.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 99.23₹ 11,290.00₹ 434.23
Semi-SkilledZone C₹ 8,450.00₹ 325.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 99.23₹ 11,030.00₹ 424.23
SkilledZone A₹ 9,750.00₹ 375.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 99.23₹ 12,330.00₹ 474.23
SkilledZone B₹ 9,490.00₹ 365.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 99.23₹ 12,070.00₹ 464.23
SkilledZone C₹ 9,230.00₹ 355.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 99.23₹ 11,810.00₹ 454.23
Highly SkilledZone A₹ 10,530.00₹ 405.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 99.23₹ 13,110.00₹ 504.23
Highly SkilledZone B₹ 10,270.00₹ 395.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 99.23₹ 12,850.00₹ 494.23
Highly SkilledZone C₹ 10,010.00₹ 385.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 99.23₹ 12,590.00₹ 484.23

Salary Calculation

To calculate 1-day salary (Daily Rate), you have to divide the Total Per Month by 26.

  • 1 Day Salary (Daily Rate) = Total Per Month ÷ 26

To calculate 1-day VDA, you have to divide the VDA Per Month by 26.

  • 1 Day VDA = VDA Per Month ÷ 26

Minimum Wages in Chhattisgarh for Government Departments

The Chhattisgarh government has revised the minimum wages for daily wage workers and employees in various state government departments effective 01 April 2024.

As per the Labour Department’s notification dated 24 May 2024, the Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) component has been increased by ₹ 9.33 per day from ₹ 76.67 to the revised rate of ₹ 86.00 per day.

Therefore, daily wage workers and employees working in different government departments across Chhattisgarh will now be entitled to the updated minimum wage rates as specified in the notification from 01 April 2024 onwards.

The notification provides the latest VDA and minimum wages for unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled and highly skilled worker categories employed in government departments in Chhattisgarh effective 01 April 2024.

Class of EmploymentZoneBasic Per MonthBasic Per DayVDA Per MonthVDA Per DayTotal Per MonthTotal Per Day
UnskilledZone A₹ 8,320.00₹ 277.33₹ 2,580.00₹ 86.00₹ 10,900.00₹ 363.33
UnskilledZone B₹ 8,060.00₹ 268.67₹ 2,580.00₹ 86.00₹ 10,640.00₹ 354.67
UnskilledZone C₹ 7,800.00₹ 260.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 86.00₹ 10,380.00₹ 346.00
Semi-SkilledZone A₹ 8,970.00₹ 299.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 86.00₹ 11,550.00₹ 385.00
Semi-SkilledZone B₹ 8,710.00₹ 290.33₹ 2,580.00₹ 86.00₹ 11,290.00₹ 376.33
Semi-SkilledZone C₹ 8,450.00₹ 281.67₹ 2,580.00₹ 86.00₹ 11,030.00₹ 367.67
SkilledZone A₹ 9,750.00₹ 325.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 86.00₹ 12,330.00₹ 411.00
SkilledZone B₹ 9,490.00₹ 316.33₹ 2,580.00₹ 86.00₹ 12,070.00₹ 402.33
SkilledZone C₹ 9,230.00₹ 307.67₹ 2,580.00₹ 86.00₹ 11,810.00₹ 393.67
Highly SkilledZone A₹ 10,530.00₹ 351.00₹ 2,580.00₹ 86.00₹ 13,110.00₹ 437.00
Highly SkilledZone B₹ 10,270.00₹ 342.33₹ 2,580.00₹ 86.00₹ 12,850.00₹ 428.33
Highly SkilledZone C₹ 10,010.00₹ 333.67₹ 2,580.00₹ 86.00₹ 12,590.00₹ 419.67

Salary Calculation

To calculate 1-day salary (Daily Rate), you have to divide the Total Per Month by 30.

  • 1 Day Salary (Daily Rate) = Total Per Month ÷ 30

To calculate 1-day VDA, you have to divide the VDA Per Month by 30.

  • 1 Day VDA = VDA Per Month ÷ 30

Minimum Wages in Chhattisgarh for Agricultural Employment

The Labour Department of Chhattisgarh has issued a notification dated 24 May 2024 revising the minimum wages for agricultural employment in the state effective 01 April 2024.

As per the notification, the Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) component of the minimum wage has been increased by ₹ 9.33 per day from the previous ₹ 54.67 to the revised rate of ₹ 64.00 per day.

This increased VDA will be applicable to all Unskilled Agricultural Workers categories under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 in Chhattisgarh.

Class of EmploymentBasic WagesVDATotal Wages
Basic Per MonthBasic Per DayVDA Per MonthVDA Per DayTotal Per MonthTotal Per Day
Unskilled Agricultural Workers₹ 6,900.00₹ 230.00₹ 1,920.00₹ 64.00₹ 8,820.00₹ 294.00

Salary Calculation

To calculate 1-day salary (Daily Rate), you have to divide the Total Per Month by 30.

  • 1 Day Salary (Daily Rate) = Total Per Month ÷ 30

To calculate 1-day VDA, you have to divide the VDA Per Month by 30.

  • 1 Day VDA = VDA Per Month ÷ 30

Official Notification

Chhattisgarh Minimum Wages Notification April 2024 (PDF)

Official Website

For more details, you may visit the Official Website of the Labour Department of Chhattisgarh.

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