Leave and Working Hours in Bihar

Leave and Working Hours Policy in Bihar

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Leave for Shops & Establishments – Bihar
Type Of LeaveLeave EntitlementMax Carry Forward DaysSource
Sick Leave12 (Half wages on the production of medical certificates every year)Not ApplicableChapter IV of “The Bihar Shops And Establishments Act, 1953 “
Casual Leave12 (Full pay every year)Not Applicable
Earned / Privilege Leave18 (After 240 days of continuous service)45 Days
Working Hours for Shops & Establishments – BiharSource
Normal Working Hours9 hours in a day and 48 hours in a week.Chapter II of “The Bihar Shops And Establishments Act, 1953 “
Interval For RestAfter 5 hours of work, the interval for the rest of at least 30 minutes.
Maximum Over Time Hours1 hour in a day and 54 hours in a week and the aggregate hours of overtime work shall not exceed 150 hours in a year.
Spread over Hours12 hours in a day.
Rate of OT WagesTwice the ordinary rate of wages.

The Bihar Shops And Establishments Act, 1953

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